“Let me transport you to those wild blue mountains,
Though not the loftiest that begirt the land,
They yet sublimely rise, and on their heights
Your souls may have a sweet foretaste of heaven,
And traverse wide the boundless” – Thomas Cole, painter
During my walk in the woods, I was able to further my goal of climbing the AMC 4,000-foot mountains, and I experienced the views the White Mountain guidebook describes as “unsurpassed”.
My adventure started by climbing Mt. Hale, and then heading down the trail to Zealand Falls Hut and on to Zealand Mountain. Along the way I was able to see various types of lichen, a spruce grouse, the tracks of a moose and enjoy some ripe mountain blueberries.
I spent my first night at Guyot (gee-oh) shelter after having the experience of getting hailed on while summiting a mountain. In the morning, while my gear dried, I took a short day hike to the Bondcliff trail, where I was able to enjoy the sun and the only 360-degree view in the White Mountains with no buildings or roads in sight. Breathtaking!
I got a taste of trail magic my last day, on the Garfield Ridge, when the “trail” became a rock ledge and some kindhearted hikers helped me down by carrying my pack for me.
All in all, my hike was successful. I can’t wait to plan my next backpacking adventure! Over four days, I covered 33 miles, climbed 13 mountains (9 of which were on the AMC 4,000 list) and met many amazing people.
Thanks to all the thru hikers who shared food, coffee, and conversation, and made it possible for me to “traverse wide the boundless”.